Elder scrolls oblivion mods pc
Elder scrolls oblivion mods pc

Elder scrolls oblivion mods pc mods#

Whatever mods Digital Dreams has put together have certainly breathed a new lease of life into the beloved RPG, and while a game can only be as good as the engine it runs on, it still leaves this teenage title looking rather marvelous.

elder scrolls oblivion mods pc

It then shows them meandering through Oblivion's stunning Imperial City location, not a care in the world for the rain that's falling down on them. In the video itself, the player can be seen riding casually on horseback through open roads, with lush greenery on either side. RELATED: Oblivion Glitch Has Imperial Legion Soldier Flying in the Air The channel description also kindly links to a page that offers up the modlist for anyone who's interested in making their PC copy of the game look just as splendid as what's in the video. With more than 200 mods installed, plus ray tracing features, it demonstrates just how it can be possible to take an aging title and bring it screaming into the modern era with gorgeous 8K visuals a-plenty. In a recent video, the YouTube channel Digital Dreams has shown almost ten minutes of Oblivion footage, with a remastered look that really makes it pop. It's certainly a game that looks old, and almost dated, but that is where the talented modding community comes to the rescue. Of course, given its age, it's only natural that many will look back at it and realize how far video game graphics have come. As one of the best Elder Scrolls games in the series, according to Metacritic, it's become something of a classic over this past decade and a half. If you buy something we may get a small commission at no extra cost to you. It's hard to imagine that, come next month, Oblivion will be 16 years old. 40 Best Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Mods of All Time (The Ultimate Collection) BY Marco Ibarra This post may contain affiliate links.

Elder scrolls oblivion mods pc